
DU’s Internationalization Initiatives Provide Global Opportunities for 教师, 工作人员




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Professors Barry Hughes 和 莉娜朗格 have taken their work abroad through DU's internationalization efforts.

At the University of Denver, studying abroad isn’t just for students.

The University offers a litany of international 项目 和 leverages its partnerships with organizations 和 educational institutions across the globe to provide faculty 和 staff the chance to further their careers abroad.

Uttiyo Raychaudhuri, 国际化副教务长, says the internationalization programming is about creating comprehensive global engagement among the DU community. For faculty members, this often means taking their research efforts abroad.

“我们的目标是创造协同效应, give them opportunities 和 provide them with the right environment where they can collaborate, 在全球范围内联系和推进他们的工作, 这样他们不仅得到了认可, but they contribute 和 advance scholarship in that global spectrum,Raychaudhuri说.

Barry Hughes, a professor with the Korbel School of International Studies 和 founder of the 弗雷德里克年代. 帕迪国际期货中心, is scheduled to visit the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad, India. 在那里, he will sit on a panel with representatives from the other three countries of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue—Australia, Japan 和 India—to discuss the future of infrastructure development.

另外, 莉娜朗格, a faculty member within DU’s Graduate School of Social Work, is working on issues of mental health in partnership with Lund University in Sweden 和 the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa.

“It is bringing together key collaborators 和 leaders in the field to tackle these modern-day, 困难, 精神卫生的全球挑战,Raychaudhuri说. “We are jointly solving these kinds of problems in the global space for the rest of the world. 这才是一所真正的全球性大学的样子.”

DU’s reach spans even to one of the most remote places in the world.

 2024年12月, I will be taking a group of students on a teaching program to Antarctica, so that we will truly have our DU flag on every continent,Raychaudhuri说.

In addition to partnering with education institutions abroad, 杜克大学经常接待来自其他国家的代表. 今年早些时候, a delegation from the Finnish government made the trip to Colorado, where DU served as one of the group’s hosts 和 exhibited some faculty work 和 research.

“They came 和 visited our labs in the Richie School to see what our research facilities look like,Raychaudhuri说. “我们有教师给他们做报告. They brought industry delegations, academic institution delegations, all of that. It’s an example of where the University is partnering with an entire country 和 giving them insight.”

教师 aren’t the only DU employees who benefit from the University’s global connections. Raychaudhuri says the Office of Internationalization has taken University staff on trips abroad for professional development 和 education, 包括像这样的程序 协作式在线国际学习 (线圈).

“当教职员工拥有全球思维时, Outlook和连接, they bring that to the classroom 和 bring that in their interactions [with students],Raychaudhuri说. “That intercultural underst和ing helps them in them navigating their everyday lives 和 in the university setting. Overall, I think it makes them more human, brings in a sense of humility, all of that.”

For more information about DU’s global connections 和 partnerships, 访问国际化办公室的网站.
